Home | F.A.Q.s | Contact Us | Classes | About Chris | Poetry Book/CD | Useful Links About ChrisChris is the son of a German immigrant father and New York city first generation German mother. Born in 1970 on Long Island, N.Y. he then spent his next 22 years in Idaho and Washington, moving to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1993 to attend graduate school. His approach to teaching Tai Chi and Qigong is unique in many ways. He combines a great deal of formal academic training with practical experience in body, mind, and spirit healing and integration techniques. Chris studied Health and Sport Psychology at Whitman College and Stanford University, He teaches from the perspective that we humans are Nature attempting to know itself, and that Tai Chi and Qigong are some of the most effective means of doing so. Embodied Ecology is the term he has created to describe this evolutionary and revolutionary approach to natural health, growth, and awareness. Embodied ecology is a centered awareness and an integration of the many frequencies of energy we call Body, Mind, and Spirit, and their harmonious interplay with our surroundings. We move beyond only thinking and worrying about our health and the state of the world, and into a grounded presence of our being. From this place of centeredness we are better able to take effective action, or no action, as the case may be. The ancient sages said that in order to know the world, first know yourself well; before attempting to govern the world, first demonstrate your ability to govern the kingdoms of your own body-mind-spirit. The disharmonies in the world today are the result of human beings wielding powers beyond their abilities. Let us begin with ourselves in order to bring harmony to ourselves and the world. Chris practices what he teaches every day, and has found the practices on this DVD to be highly effective personal healing tools. He shares these practices only because he has daily personal experience (shared by the millions of others who practice Tai Chi movements) with their outstanding effectiveness. In addition to having written 4 collections of philosophy/poetry, Mr. Anderl enjoys spending his free time outdoors walking and observing the world. He currently resides in West Marin County, CA. To be as happy and free as a cloud, He has also co-authored a motion picture screenplay (that is waiting for producers and a director to step forward! and produce!) called “Play Tai Chi”. The film features cross-cultural harmony and understanding between China and the U.S. through the practices of tai chi, and can be viewed here This page last updated December 27 2023 07:02:27 -0800 |